An agreement for air pollution research was signed in Monaco

The joint initiative by entrepreneur Aaron Frankel, H.S.H. Prince Albert II of Monaco and Tel Aviv University, will facilitate research to solve air pollution problems

10 October 2019
Professor Colin Price welcomes Prince Albert II of Monaco at the Porter Building. Photo: Chen Galili

At a symposium and ceremony in Monaco, entrepreneur Aaron Frenkel and Tel Aviv University President Prof. Ariel Porat signed an agreement for an inititive to conduct research to combat air pollution, This new project is a result of the remarkable cooperation between Monaco and Tel Aviv University and a continuation of the joint agreement to combat air pollution that was signed during H.S.H. Prince Albert II visit to Tel Aviv University in June 2018.


Attended by senior environmental experts from Monaco and the Monaco Friends of Israel Association President Franck Biancheri, the symposium started with Professor Colin Price, Head of the Department of Environmental Studies at Tel Aviv University, and Dr. Lucille Cortillian, an expert in marine biology and director of the "Plastic Med" venture in Monaco, speaking about pollution issues. Prof. Price has pointed out that by 2050 an estimated 75% of world population will live in big cities. Therefore, environmental problems will raise even higher within the urban context. We need to mitigate them on the basis of cooperation as Israel and Monaco has started to do.


The joint venture will support applied research that will take place at the Department of Environmental Studies and the Department of Geography and Human Environment at the Porter School of the Environment and Earth Sciences at Tel Aviv University. The research will focus on finding solutions to air pollution problems and will support the actions of Monaco in the field of energy efficiency and the promotion of renewable energy.


During his visit to Tel Aviv University last year, Prince Albert II visited the Porter building and studied closely the electricity use reduction, thermo-solar based air-conditioning methods and the benefits of green roofs at the building. He received an honorary doctorate from the University in recognition of his deep commitment to environmental protection and cooperation in climate, water and ecological diversity.


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