
The Porter School of Environmental Studies building is located on George Wise Street, across from campus Gate 14 (outside the campus). Find us easily using Waze or Google Maps


Click here for a map of the campus



Public Transport


The campus is served by numerous bus routes:

Egged routes: 572, 575, 222 ,271, 270, 274

Dan routes:  7,  25, 45, 289

Kavim routes: 94, 95, 137, 454, 464, 474, 500

Metropolin routes: 604

(Bus schedules and routes are subject to change. Please check with the bus companies for the latest information.)



The university railway station is within walking distance from campus, or you can catch Dan bus routes 7, 45 or 289 to and from the station, or walk up the "Science Promenade" that leads to the building.

A detailed train schedule is available here.




Please note that visitors cannot access the campus with private cars.

Students and visitors are encouraged to use one of the many parking lots adjacent to the campus (the closest one - Engineering/ Social Work parking lot on George Wise Street).


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