Paris-Tel Aviv-Marrakesh
The Porter School of Environmental Studies hosts Climate Convention in concurrence with COP-22 talks
21 November 2016
Entitled ' 'Paris-Tel Aviv-Marrakesh', The Porter Environmental School hosted an open house conference day which brought together heads of PSES, the Israeli Ministry for the Environment, and environmental NGO's to bring exposure to the issues of the U.N.'s Conference on Climate Change, the COP-22, currently happening in Marrakesh, Morocco. Visiting E.U. ambassador Lars Faaborg-Andersen gave the keynote address, calling upon Israel "to ratify the agreement as soon as possible.” Israeli Environmental Protection Minister, Zeev Elkin, also addressed attendees, where he spoke critically of the government's lack of utilization of Israeli technological innovation to address climate change issues.
Students and community members also had the opportunity to hear presentations and view demonstrations from both PSES faculty and staff, as well as environmental NGO's and activists.
Click here for Jerusalem Post Article on Ambassador Faaborg-Andersen's remarks.
Click here for a brief photo gallery of conference highlights