The new building now has a Mezuzah!

With construction almost done, Porter School's new building now has a Mezuzah!

31 March 2014
With construction almost done, Porter School's new building now has a Mezuzah! The mezuzah was affixed with due ceremony on Thursday March 29th 2014, in the presence of many distinguished guests, including: Dame Shirley Porter, TAU President Prof. Joseph Klafter, Head of Porter School Prof. Dan Rabinowitz and guest of honor Amir Peretz, Israel's Minister of Environmental Protection.
"When I met Shirley I realized that she and I have been 'infected' with the same 'virus' – environmental protection," said Minister Peretz to the assembled company. "I believe that this building is a trailblazer - not just architecturally, but in its content and message as well. I know that attaining such quality required enormous efforts.  I'll just mention what everyone else has noted: that this building has only six parking spots! This is to tell people, loud and clear: you must come here by bicycle, by train or on foot. Moreover, showers have been installed for those who've come a long way… All this just goes to show you that in this place, every detail has been thought through…" Peretz added that even though he had come to offer his support, he felt that we were the ones supporting him in his public struggles on behalf of the environment. He noted that his Ministry was already collaborating with the Porter School, and hoping to expand this cooperation "because we are worthy of you, and you are worthy of us."
When all greetings were over the mezuzah was affixed at the entrance by the Porter family, in a moving ceremony conducted by Rabbi Galia Saban and Cantor Freddy Peer of Beit Daniel – The Center for Progressive Judaism. Minister Peretz reminded everyone that the date of the event was most symbolic: that same night daylight saving time would come into effect – a distinctly environmental step that would benefit all citizens of Israel. 
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