Regional Summer School

Regional Summer School

The Regional Summer School presented students at the Porter School of Environmental Studies with the opportunity to learn about environmental issues from an additional perspective: regional environmental sustainability in the Middle East. The program introduced students to the trans-boundary nature of environmental problems in the region, and emphasized the joint, integrated approach necessary for natural resource management.
Students participating in the program took part in a regional study tour, meeting with various experts – academic researchers, NGO representatives, governmental representatives, local officials and environmental activists – to learn about the cross-border environmental issues shared by Israel and its neighbors; how the regional conflict has affected the environment; and the possible role which the environment can play as a peacemaking tool in future negotiations.

The program was a collaborative effort between PSES and Columbia University’s Earth Institute and Middle East Research Center. It is expected to create a network of cooperation and a platform for discussing solutions to shared environmental challenges, resulting in practical policy and research papers.

* Watch a short video about the program.

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