The Porter Internship Program

The Porter Internship Program, formerly a joint initiative with Shatil and now in cooperation with 'The Next Step' program at Aluma organization.


The program presents an opportunity for students to combine their academic studies with hands-on professional practice, by being involved in and even spearheading projects on topics such as: reducing greenhouse gas emissions; renewable energy; sustainable transportation; reuse and recycling; green building; water demand management and more. While the environmental organizations benefit from the enthusiasm, intelligence and academic background of the highly motivated interns, the program has substantial benefits for our students as well, offering them an important opportunity to familiarize with what actually goes on in the field, gain practical experience and set off on their professional way based on a solid foundation.


Students in the program receive a modest stipend (equivalent to the cost of tuition fees) and participate in additional activities that focus on leadership development and strategies for environmental-social change.


* Who can participate?
The program is open only for students enrolled in PSES.
​(Our International MA Program has a separate internship program for its students)


For further info: Examples of past internships

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