Congratulations Class of 2014!

The International MA Class of 2014 celebrated in the new Capsule Building

07 September 2014

The Class of 2014 attended two memorable ceremonies to mark the end of their graduate studies.  The first ceremony took place in Smolarz Auditorium, where the Porter students celebrated together with 300 other international graduate students from 12 master's programs on campus.  The second ceremony took place in the new Capsule Building, where friends and family were invited to celebrate with the Porter students.  


Prof. Dan Rabinowitz, Head of the Porter School, and Dr. Arie Nesher, Professional Director of the School, spoke at the ceremony, as did Maggie Weigle, the student representative of the Class of 2014. 


The Porter School faculty and staff wishes congratulations to the entire student body, and looks forward to welcoming the Class of 2015 in October! 

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