Marine Offshore Biorefinery In Israel Workshop - Summary and Presentations

The first conference for bio-engineering of fuel from algae took place at the Porter School. Here is a summary and the presentations from the conference

Marine Offshore Biorefinery In Israel Workshop - Summary and Presentations

During the Marine Offshore Biorefinery In Israel Workshop that took place at the Porter School for Environmental studies May 2017, researches from univercities, research institutions and government officials discussed a wide array of topics related to recent developments, studies, industrial innovation and policies.


Sea algea are a remarkable renewable energy resources. The quick developments of bio-engeeniring methods and the advanced research and devekopment at the Porter School and at peer institutions show a huge potential unfolding.


Dr. Alex Golberg, head of the Environmental Bio-engineering Laboratory at the Porter School, assembled the content from the workshop for your reading and continued discussion.


Please click here to read through the conference presentations and papers


Please note that the link to each paper is marked by a PDF icon next to the name of each speaker.

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