How is Living organisms’ electrical activity related to lightning-induced atmospheric EM fields - recent publications

The study led by Prof. Colin Price points to a surprising beneficial effect of ELF electromagnetic fields on the resistance of living cells such as myocardial cells to stress conditions

How is Living organisms’ electrical activity related to lightning-induced atmospheric EM fields - recent publications


Last year, we have written here about the research of PhD student Gal Alhlal and Prof. Colin Price, who found similarities between lightning-induced atmospheric electromagnetic activity at extremely low frequencies (ELF), and that of human and animal tissue, in particular myocardial cells.
The ELF electromagnetic activity has a protective effect that reduces stress responses and protects against stress-related processes such as oxygen deficiency. This effect expired approx. 30 minutes after the magnetic field was stopped.
A new academic paper was recently published about this research. Newsweek magazine has also written recently about the study.
Please see the following links:
Price, C., Williams, E., Elhalel, G. et al. Natural ELF fields in the atmosphere and in living organisms. Int J Biometeorol (2020).,

A new study finds protective effect of lightning on physiological cell activity 

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