Mark Polikovski awarded the Green Talents 2018 Awards by the German Ministry of Education and Research

With the purpose of striving for international cooperation in sustainability research, the Green Talents award honors the research of 25 outstanding young researchers from around the world and invites them to join in a science forum in Germany

Mark Polikovski awarded the Green Talents 2018 Awards by the German Ministry of Education and Research

The German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) announced this week the winners of the Green Talents Competition 2018, a group of young exceptional researchers, leading innovative environmental and sustainability research. The porpose of the prestigous award is to nurture international collaborations in sustainability research.


Mark Polikovsky, a PhD candidate at the Environmental Bioengineering Laboratory at the Department of Environmental Studies, is studuing under the direction of Dr. Alex Golberg and Prof. Uri Gophna the synergy between algae and bacteria in the process of producing biofuel and algae proteins,


Mark was invited to participate with 24 award winning researchers from around the world in a science forum meetings in Germany, as part of the Green Talents International Forum for High Potentials in Sustainable Development, held this month.


More about Mark, the lab and the competition, can be read here:


The awardees of the Green Awards 2018 competition


On Mark's research and on the considerations of the panel of judges for winning the prize


The Green Talents Program Scientific Forum 


The scientific forum press release on the convening of the competition awardees


The Environmental BioEngineering Lab at the Department of Environmental Studies, Porter School of the Environment and Earth Sciences, Tel Aviv University

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